Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure

Here is my treasure for the week! The passion started when I worked at Nordstrom's coffee bar. It has never left me. There is something special, about the treat of coffee. Understand it is not a weekly, daily but rather a rare monthly treat. However, I do love it! I also love that my kids think it is the greatest to get milk in their own green cup or the box with a cow! Everybody is happy. By the way, I will confess that when drinking a coffee drink, I almost always get 140 degree coffee or the regular hot. It is just the way I am, it relaxes me. What is your favorite flavor? Mine right now is going back to the Carmel Macciato ~ yum!


Mrs. Dunbar said...

apple chai--- deee-lish.

let's make a date.

Anonymous said...

cinnamon dolce latte w/ caramel drizzle in the cup...yummy!