Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Light at the end........

There is a light now at the end of my educational tunnel. This light will represent that I have completed the tasks necessary to become an intern! Wahooo!!! I won't be completely certified as an Educational Therapist for another 4 or 5 years, and two more levels of certification to go. Baby steps.
I have seen with my own eyes, what an educational therapist is capable of, given time. This is not a quick fix process, with a magic wand ~ don't I wish. It is slow, steady, and when given the time it needs extremely successful. Here is an extreme example that I am not qualified to do, but maybe one day.......Twin girls with Cerebral Palsy, when born the parents were told they would not talk, walk, or be able to function is society ~ ever. The parents wouldn't swallow that. They started them in EVERY kind of therapy as soon as the girls were old enough. They started educational therapy when they were 3 for 4 days a week. They are now seven. They read at and slightly above grade level. They walk on their own (the physical therapy and educational retraining the brain), they can write at slightly below grade level, but if given chance to verbalize ideas, they are incredibly smart. They comprehend what is said and done in a regular classroom, but have an aide for physical reasons. They are being written up in medical journals because as their physical therapist said "They are a miracle." I cried when they left their session because until I saw it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it was possible.

I have learned a great deal on this journey. I have learned what it truly means to rely on God for strength and endurance. These are lessons I have dealt with before, but apparently I had gotten in the way, and needed to learn them yet again. I have learned the true definition of perseverance and how to live with it.

I have learned that taking classes at this level, working basically full time, and running my family with all of life still happening is stressful, and FULL. During this process, 3 of the 4 birthdays in our family have occurred. Missy's is the last and is right as finals and a DVD showing techniques is due ~ yikes. I have learned to respect those professions that regularly call a parent away for a time, to have them home, only to be called away again ~ like firefighters. I had to learn how to keep the suitcase packed and the beauty products, since I was only home for three days before leaving yet again.

I have relearned the true learning process. To celebrate the small victories, keep your eye on the prize, and truly learn from mistakes so they don't occur again. I had to swallow the hunk of pride, and relearn defeat and what my response to that was going to be. How was I going to recover and pick myself back up and be back in the game before break was over.

This is a journey, and like others, the path continues for a short while before a break. I am looking forward to being able to catch my breath, take a drink, and regroup before going down the next path around the corner.

Thank you all for your encouraging words, e-mails, voicemail, and dinners. You have been part of my journey and they have all come, when I couldn't do anymore and needed help or encouragement. Now off, to get back on my current path until I am DONE..................