Tuesday, November 24, 2009


May I introduce to you........the cookie sheet! If your little boys, or bigger boys for that matter are into Legos then you know the problem that comes with them. There are several little bags in every box, and within those bags are what seem to be a bazillion pieces. So to conquer this problem for my Lego men in my house, I gave them a cookie sheet. This is a way that they can move their creations off of the dinning room table and not loose a piece. The cookie sheet provides nice sides, so the pieces don't roll off. If the cookie sheet gets bumped, the pieces generally are safe, and you can even transport in the car safely creations. Price of cookie sheet ~ 99 cents at the 99cent store. Price of not stepping on those little pieces ~ priceless!

And for the girlie girls in our houses......the cookie sheet reigns again. If your little girl is into magnetic paper dolls....they stick beautifully to the cookie sheet, and keep the refrigerator clear from paper dresses and princess that a big puppy might like to eat (ahem Koda!) Also allows for it to go in the car, for rides to Grandma's, soccer games, or where ever we are off to! Price of little princesses creating glorious outfits, and not loosing shoes ~ priceless!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ode to Koda

This is Koda, our now full grown (or almost) puppy. We brought him home a year ago today (the much smaller version of him.)

He loves my parent's dog Hailey when she comes over to play and snuggle
Here he is about three months old, and growing like a weed. He still loves to cuddle with a blankie. Exactly like the human puppies in my family. He fits right in.

A week after we brought him home, and winning our hearts over with that face. That face still keeps him out of getting in major trouble. And he knows it!

We first fell in love when we found this puppy. He is ten days old, his eyes are still closed, and his ears are smaller than my thumb nail. We didn't know at the time he would grow to be close to 100 pounds, or a complete goofball. However, we wouldn't change the way it all worked out. This is when Bubba fell in love, holding this puppy sealed the deal on which one he wanted to bring home in several weeks. Do you see that face? He is part of our family. I can't believe that it has been a year. What a complete blessing he is.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Practical Hypocrite

So a while ago I posted my soapbox about starting things Christmas TOO early. I still stand by those statements. However, here is my confession..........

I am guilty of being a practical Hypocrite.

Last week we took the family to California Adventure, since the kids had the day off. While there, we did indeed see Santa sitting in his gazebo, waiting for the next kid in line. The line was all of ONE family. Mr. C. looked at me, I at him, and we both agreed to take the plunge. When would we be at Disneyland again or California Adventure and virtually have NO wait? So he talked to the kids, he made Missy giggle, and we took our family photo. If nothing else, I am a practical Mom. I do see the opportunity and grab it! I apologize for my hypocritical ways, but as fellow Moms, I hope you would do the same. Carpi Diem and all of that ;)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Sweetest Words EVER!!!

The sweetest words a parent of a missing child can hear is: "I have her!!! I have her!!! SHE is here with me. Come and get her." These are the words that my friend got to hear after her four year old walked away from the family at the soccer fields. After being able to witness the reunion of Mom and child (still bringing tears to my eyes by the way), I began to seriously ponder.......

God must feel the same way when HE receives this message. The Holy Spirit or Christ comes across the phone and says :"WE have her. She is now safe. She is now here." You see, I don't often think of myself as a child, why would I? But that is indeed what I am . I am a child of God.

Yet after this event, it occurred to me how many times I have wondered away from my Heavenly Father. Not super far, still where my Heavenly Father can find me, and me HIM, but wondered. Chasing butterflies, off in my own mind, seeking things that I think I need to go after, only to be drawn further away from HIM. I have created the need to be found. You see, the child in this story wasn't intentionally trying to give her parents the fear of their lives and a heart attack. She was being four, and allowed herself to get distracted and wonder further than she thought she was. But I have been guilty of the same thing.
The beauty of this story, and the spiritual tie, is that my friend was not angry, she was just happy to have her lovely girl back in her arms. The prodigal son, has the same ending - rejoicing of the lost one found. Looking back, I shamefully have wondered on more than one occasion, yet received the forgiveness and hugs of coming back to where I belong. I hope that after experiencing this with my friend, I will learn the lesson before I wonder again. Somehow now that I am a parent myself, the story of the prodigal son has new meaning.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank You

To all the Veteran's out there,


These two words do not seem enough to say, yet that is all I know. You do a job, I physically can not do. You protect me from things I don't know about, and for the ones I do, that scares me enough. You serve those who don't appreciate you, and for those who do. You carry our country's safety on your shoulders, and take that responsibility with a seriousness most of us don't even see a glimmer of. Thank you for those who have served in the past, the present, and for the boys who are dreaming of the job for the future.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

I Want to Be.......

I had the Under Roos at the age of 6 or so. She was so cool! Bullet reflector bracelets, red boots, reflector and weather proof hair, an invisible plane.....the list goes on and on. Who wouldn't want to be Wonder Woman today?

If I WERE able to be Wonder Woman.......I would be able to work a full week as the teacher of first grade and come home with energy, with complete patience for my own family. I would be able to pull together delicious meals every night this week, instead of banana pancakes that are on the menu tonight. I would have had something brewing in the Crock Pot all day, so our home would smell wonderful upon the arrival of the family and hubby coming home. The laundry would be done folded, and put away. The house would be clean and the garden freshly spruced up. In the mornings, I wouldn't be cranky and urging my kids out the door, unusually and possibly ungodly early. My hair, nails, and make-up would be flawless. Traffic, smaffic as I sailed with five kids in the invisible plane over drivers who can't drive. I could save people from the injustices in the world, and still have time to buy that birthday present I need by Thursday. Oh, I would be unstoppable!

Since, the job has already been filled, I guess I will take one day at a time. I will do the best with what I have, and I will be a Philippians 4:13 Mom ~ doing all things through Christ who strengthens me. Can't really ask for more than that. Her accessories would be cool though, especially the plane!

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Righteous Anger........

I have a confession.........

This week, I got angry at stores. Here is my story of what I feel to be a righteous anger.

1.) I am shopping in Michael's, looking for some lovely paper to adorn these invitations I was commissioned to make. As I am looking for glittered paper, I hear over the speakers "Jingle Bells" and then "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree". This happened on November 2nd!!! I understand that Halloween is officially over, and that the Christmas paraphernalia needs to go up, especially in a craft store, but REALLY???? it is the BEGINNING of November.

2.) The very next day, was a doozy. Mr. C. had to get up at 4:45 for an exceptionally early flight to our states capital. Then because of the loveliness of time change, Missy got up at 5:45! I couldn't go back to sleep, so I got my day started. I will save you the roller coaster of things that went wrong yesterday morning, but I WAS looking forward to heading to Starbucks, meeting my friend to give her the invitations, and get the MUCH NEEDED coffee. The girl behind the counter, welcomes me friendly. I feel a wave of relaxation coming my way......ahhhhhhhh. The smell of coffee is in the air! Then she says the words that stop me in my clouded thinking....." We now have the Gingerbread and Eggnog lattes, if you would like today." I was shocked. I am not ready for Christmas flavors. So to my credit, very calmly I replied "Oh, no thank you it is still November, I need those flavors in December and January. I would like a pumpkin spice latte please." I know that this flavor is expensive (I know Mrs. Dunbar, I know) but it was a matter of NEED, not WANT on this particular morning.

When I worked at Nordstrom there was a sign that went on every branch of the store during November: They celebrate Thanksgiving and use it as a time TO GIVE THANKS! Here is a copy of the Michigan Journal, that applauds Nordstrom as well, and wraps up my thinking in general! Let me give out a WOOT WOOT to Pete Nordstrom!

"Tis the season to be jolly." Though the words of the popular Christmas carol are well known, many Americans have long forgotten the time span for the actual Christmas season.Surrounded by much controversy, Christmastime has no definite start or finish. Beginning as early as Columbus Day when temperatures are still in the high 60s and lasting until late January when people finally figure out that throwing the extremely dead (not to mention fire-hazardous) Christmas tree to the curb would be a good idea, Christmas seems to be a season just like spring or fall. Fortunately, for consumers sick of being bombarded with irritating Christmas decorations, there is a safe haven.We at The Michigan Journal wish to applaud the department store, Nordstrom. Separating itself from its competitors, Nordstrom stores are not Christmas clad until the day after Thanksgiving. "We believe in celebrating each holiday in its entirety before moving on to the next one," said Nordstrom spokesman John Baily in an interview with The New York Times. At the entrance of each Nordstrom store, customers can spot a sign announcing Nordstrom's commitment to wait until after Thanksgiving to decorate. Considered a breath of fresh air for consumers tired of being overrun by the early onset of Christmas decorations, people have taken notice of the bold statement. Pete Nordstrom, the president of Nordstrom department stores, admits, "I don't know of anything that we do that gets more favorable customer feedback."With such considerable support, one might wonder why other department stores do not follow in Nordstrom's footsteps. Representatives from Bloomingdales noted that their elaborate Christmas displays take time to set up, causing the department stores to start the decorating process long before Thanksgiving. "It's not like decorating your tree at home or your little vestibule. The New York store is close to a million square feet," said Joe Catugno, Bloomingdale's vice president for visual merchandising.Though the decorating process is time consuming, we at The Michigan Journal think it is no excuse. If Nordstrom can manage to decorate after closing on Wednesday to be ready for Black Friday, other department stores should be able to do the same. We appreciate the effort made by the department store and look forward to their appropriately timed 108th unveiling of Christmas decorations.