Monday, January 26, 2009

Warning Label for Prayer

Sometimes, there should be a warning label on Prayer. Something like this........WARNING, GOD MIGHT JUST ANSWER YOU!!! Or WARNING, IF YOU ASK GOD TO HANDLE THINGS HIS WAY, HE WILL.

You see, Mr. C and I have been in a prayer mode for a couple of months now. We honestly didn't know how we wanted God to answer, but we knew and prayed that He would take care of it. That in His divine knowledge of what is best for our family, that we would be happy either way. Now that we have the answer, I feel like praying to God "ARE YOU SURE????? I mean REALLY, REALLY SURE???????" It's not that I am unhappy with the answer, don't get me wrong, it is just that apparently God thinks that we can handle the situation much better than I think I give us credit for. I guess this is why HE is God and I am not.


Anonymous said...

I love that you have a blog now. I feel like you took the words right out of my mouth. Going through a similar thing right now.
Kim Metzger

Anna Cecilia said...

Totally! Those kind of prayers have seriously been my life for the last year. Yes, I still keep on praying. Guess I'm a glutton for abuse!