Tuesday, February 03, 2009

My Kids Are Growing

Yesterday was kind of a hard day for me. I am actually seeing the growing process in both of my kids on that day. It is sad in one way to see the process happening, but then on the other hand I am very proud of the growth that they have shown.

Yesterday, was Bubba's birthday. He is now officially 8. I knew this was coming, I can read a calendar, but it still strikes me as sort of odd. I remember so clearly the day he was born, when no one was expecting him early. I remember so clearly the drama that followed as I was admitted in the hospital and Mr. C. gravely warned that it could have been so much worse had we not acted as quickly as my sister and I did. It just is odd, that my baby is learning and reading cursive handwriting as I am typing this. He is growing right before my eyes and although some of this brings great changes, some of it is sad.

Then there is Missy......she today has to take the Kindergarten admittance test at the school in which we want to enroll her in for the fall. When Bubba took this test, it was much later in the spring. I know she is ready. I know she is apprehensively excited to go to school with the big kids. But she is my baby, she is my last and for the last couple of years she has been my sole shadow during the days except while at preschool. Next year she will attend school for 81/2 hours a day. This is the first step of her becoming a big kid instead of a preschooler. Exciting, yes. Sort of sad, also a yes. Then she had the nerve, to go on Indiana Jones yesterday with the boys. She was FINALLY tall enough, by two Disney employees. When did my little one grow so big???

I do not want my kids to be babies again. HECK NO!!! I also am just reminded yet again of how quickly the time passes. Before I know it they'll..........well, let's just take one day at a time!

1 comment:

April said...

I know it. So weird. My daughter will be 9 next month. 9! I mean... 9! I don't feel like I'm old enough for that.