Monday, September 21, 2009

First Time Listening.......

Little Missy proudly brought home her homework on Friday. She has yet to discover that Homework will indeed loose it's appeal one day! Anyway, in the homework, she has a
First Time Listening Chart

She quickly explained this part of the homework. There are four categories, in which they can earn first time listening smiley faces. When the chart is complete, we are to have her wear the badge at the bottom of the chart. This is to enforce that we need to be first time listeners to parents, teachers and ultimately God, and when we obey parents and teachers, we are indeed obeying God and making Him happy.

This got me to thinking, as I have been marking the appropriate boxes with pink smiley faces....What would my chart look like? What are the categories that God would pick out for me that I need to work on? Just how long would it take me to earn the badge at the bottom of the chart, and receive praise? In some areas, I see that I need to step up on my listening ears......How are your ears doing today, this week, this month????


Mrs. Dunbar said...

I SO need one of those! For myself and for my Monkey who says "No, (sighh) Mommy listen... " and then he goes into his sales pitch of why he's right. We've been talking a lot about obeying... somehow I never turned that around for myself. I like your food for thought.

Call me when you get out of BSF tomorrow. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

I remember Ty doing that same hw. :)

carissa... brown eyed fox said...

great thoughts!

got me thinking too... where could i use some smily faces...
hmmmm... many areas...

one thing for sure... i am going to get some removed if i don't get dinner going! :)

Amber said...

We do this in our house too, but we call it being a "first timer" I borrowed the idea from my Mom who uses it in her classroom.

I like your spin on the chart....maybe I'll make one for myself too. I bet the kids would like that. And it would sure keep me accountable.

Anonymous said...

unfortunately my chart has been much, much larger than this... but at least I'm working towards earning my smiley faces! :P