Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure ~ Best Friends

My Treasure is my kid's relationship. They have always gotten along. They have always been nice to each other, with reason. But this summer, they have blown me away. My kids have had a LOT of time where it has been the two of them only. They have only had each other to be entertained by. This summer has been magical, and I know it won't always last. Instead of TV in the morning, they are quick to play with each other. Every afternoon and night, they veg out with each other playing a game or deciding together the movie they want watch. They have literally been in each other's back pocket, and liked it.
Now, don't get me wrong, there have been moments. But it has been just that, moments, that are quickly fading, and never lasting long. I will treasure this summer, for the pure joy that my kids have been, for I know that this too may be a only a memory next year.


Anonymous said...

:) so sweet...

Cathy said...

Refreshing! We have a theory that siblings (at least ours) often treat each other however they see it modeled. We can always tell when our kids have watched a stupid "family" sitcom or cartoon because siblings on tv usually treat each other horribly! Don't let any naysayers ("it won't last") douse the GIFT you've been given this summer! God is good :)

Mrs. Dunbar said...

I hope this kinship that they have lasts a lifetime. I think it will.