Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We have a diagnosis

It has been a month exactly since the original "incident". It has been mulitple doctors appointments, tests, and meetings, but today it became all worth it. I went to the Neurologist today. She had the results of the MRI, cat scan, blood work, EKG, and the rest of it all. The big diagnosis is this: LOW BLOOD PRESSURE. I mean, REALLY REALLY LOW. You can search on WebMD and look at low blood pressure and out of the 10 or so symptoms, in the last month I have experienced most if not all of them.

So how do we fix it???? SALT!!! Yep that is right, unlike the rest of you who have to watch what you intake, I now have a medical condition to eat chips and salsa, hot dogs at baseball games, pizza, and pretzels. She wants me to try for the next month to increase my salt intake, and if that doesn't work then there is a medicine that I can try. This is going to be great! Bean and cheese burritos here I come!!!!

I currently am wearing a halter monitor for my heart right now too. It might be related, it might not be, but at least it will rule out any questions. This I can't wait to take off. I literally look like the Bionic Woman with wires taped to my body.

Right now I am extremely excited that we have some answers, I am not crazy, and we know what path to take from here. Thank you all for prayers, updates, and just listening to this month long process.


Anonymous said...


cathy said...

Wow. I was JUST wondering about you and how you are feeling! Low blood pressure is a definite "do-able" diagnosis! Yeah! Here's to a salty summer and feeling better finally!

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you have answers! that is an answer to prayer!

lisa Schron said...

yah for answers!