Friday, June 12, 2009

AHH Clean at LAST

My house was disgusting. In fact, it is so bad that I refuse to post pictures. Not the kind of dirty, when your friend comes over and you say "Oh excuse the mess" when really it can't be seen. I am talking about actual filth, slim, grime, crusty, visible dirt, nastiness on the floor, gross toilets, yucky sinks, OSHA might be called in, that kind of dirty. Not that it is an excuse, but with my health, kids getting out of school, my Dad in the hospital, cleaning has been last on my "to do" list. Hey, at least we have clean underwear!!!

Things changed Wednesday and yesterday. They changed because they needed to be. They changed because Small group was coming over ~ thank goodness!!!! They also changed because I am quirky on going away and coming home to a dirty house. I needed my house clean and refused to let more time go on without doing something about it. As I stated yesterday, we are getting ready to go away on vacation. That means that when I come home, I want my house to be as clean as the hotel is suppose to be. I want the sheets to smell like softener, the bathrooms to be gleaming, and the carpet to feel soft beneath my feet. I want when I come home from vacation for my only true chore to be the mountains of laundry that we come home with, and not have to worry about how to clean my house too.

So for three days I am on a cleaning frenzy. I have scrubbed them all; toilets, sinks, bathtubs, dusted, vacuumed, mopped, wiped down, cleaned up clutter and the whatnots. The laundry is done, a necessity for going away. The beds and towels will be cleaned on Saturday so they are fresh when we return. I am getting some of the sanity back, so that I can soak up the sun for summer time ~ when the sun decides to come out, that is!!!

As for today.........We are celebrating summer at Disneyland!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Oh my...I share your sentiments about a clean house before leaving for vacation! It's like I wrote this post!

Do you have FIVE children?!

Have a ball on vacation :)