Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ahh Clean at LAST ~ part 2

If my house was bad, my car was DEFINITELY worse. Here is my scenario........
1 car
5 kids in carpool
1 puppy being transported
life in general
So because I value my marriage, the germ free environment I should be giving my kids, I cleaned the inside of my car for 2 hours!
I used 17 Clorox wipes, filled the Dyson vacuum, and a trash can. Most of the mess was "under" the seats, but still. I want to start the summer and vacation on a clean note and in a clean car.
So for my germaphobe friends and family, you can now lick the inside of my car should you choose, and you will be free from any grossness. Come over quick though because we are taking this car on vacation and I will need to clean again ~ oy!


Cathy said...

Doesn't it feel great!? I LOVE a clean car. That one time a year is blissful...

tesberi said...

I feel you!
We always clean the car before our road trips too...I still can't understand why I torture myself...and the kids!
But hey...great job. Enjoy it!!

Anonymous said...

I hope that you guys had a great vacation! I love your new haircuts!!!! Madison was thrilled to see Audrey's hair was like hers! She has had some haircut remorse! lol