Thursday, May 14, 2009

The New Do!

So Missy has been asking for weeks to cut her hair. Her beautiful, thick and gorgeous locks, she wanted short. I have been hesitant, knowing that this could go SO wrong. However, she has stayed persistent. She knows what she wants, and has been patient. So last night she declares in her 5 year old wisdom "Mom, tomorrow I want to cut my hair when I don't have school."
Today, was the usual hussle and bussle out the door. We were running late, videos to return to Blockbuster, kids to pick up for carpool, field trip for Bubba today (I got picked to go), remember camera, you know the drill. In this I forgot the phone number for Miss Christina, who I was hoping could fit Missy in today. OH well, another day I guess I can call.

After the field trip, I ran into Target really quick for a few things (See Tuesday's Post!). Who would be standing there, trying on sunglasses ~ none other than Christina! We started chatting about my morning and how I wanted to call her. She informed me that she had a cancellation this morning and was really bummed about it. I honestly feel like God was telling me "Ask her" So I imposed on her trip to Target and asked "Could you fit Missy in today?" She was excited to be cutting her hair and said, "Meet me at the salon at noon!" PERFECT!!!!

We go to the salon, Missy is excited to be going on this adventure. She gets her wrap, hair washed, all with smiles! The cutting starts, we still have smiles. We are done, and her hair is getting styled (ooh la la, so fancy) and the tears start to fall. Next come the sobs. I spring from my seat, and gather her up. She tearfully says "I wish I didn't cut my hair!" OH BOY!!!!

We leave the salon, and start walking back to our car. I try and explain that yes, she can still do small pigtails, a small ponytail is still possible (thanks to the wisdom of Christina). I am trying my best to hype it up ~ no avail. Then God speaks again........."Ask her" so, I let a five year old decide for me, I if I should cut my own hair, a decision I have been wavering about for over a month now. NO joke, two seconds later, she is smiling and wants to go back NOW and ask if I can also cut my hair.

Christina is amazing, she has an opening, and is so willing to do it. So alas, I have a matching hair cut to Missy Lu. The whole time, she was smiling, telling me to smile too. I coincidentally (divinely) had the camera for the field trip. Missy was taking pictures of my haircut just like I did for her. She was in Heaven, and took over 30 photos (a photographer like her Daddy!) Here are the results........She is happy, and so am I!
Mr. C. had NO idea what we had been up to, today. His vote ~ "IT LOOKS AMAZING AND BEAUTIFUL!" I married a good man, who knows the right answers when his two girls cut off a combined total of over a foot of hair. We are blessed!


Mrs. Dunbar said...

HOLY COW!!! I must come see, the picture looks great! Do not go into to church if I don't see you before then!!!

Love it, you are a wonderful mama!

Cathy said...

A mother's love knows no bounds! You both look beautiful, and Missy's smile is incredible.

ps--it may seem small now, but you taught Missy such a HUGE lesson on perspective, eg "it's only hair...I will cut mine, too!" Today's lesson will serve her well as she grows into a young woman.