Wednesday, July 29, 2009

For My Dad

Growing up, we had a poster of the Hobbit in our garage. I have always known that my Dad has loved the Hobbit as well as the Lord of the Rings books. He even has Bilbo Baggins' birthday in his outlook. I have never read any of the books. Not for any reason mind you, but just haven't. Well, last week when we were waiting for his surgery to end, my brother and I got into this conversation about the books. We reminisced about the poster, and my Dad's love for this series. Well, my brother admitted to having several of his own copies, an annotated version of the book with commentary, and now the prequel that J.R. Tolkein's son has finished. This all got my curiosity up. So when I finished my last book, I have been patiently waiting to get my hands on a copy of this book. I want to read it, while I can discuss it with my family since they all love it so much. So for the next week of so, I am off to read in the land of Hobbits, fairies, and whatever other mystical friend may come my way...........will let you know when I am done if I will read the Lord of the Rings.


Mrs. Dunbar said...

You will love the books. They are some of Mr. Dunbar's favorite. Happy reading.

cathy said...

I've always wanted to read "The Hobbit"! Please let us know what you think.