Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure

This week's treasure is the Beach. We went to the beach this weekend, and although it was a Northern Ca beach, which meant cold weather, and colder temperatures in the water we still had a fabulous time. The kids were smart and didn't purposefully get soaked, they instead flew a kite with their Dad and played in the sand. There was even a swing set on the sand so they could swing and hear the waves and be at the beach all at the same time. Crazy enough we found thousands of ladybugs on the beach ~ thousands!!! What I remembered after a winter of not visiting the ocean is how much the smell of the ocean calms me. How the sound of the waves is refreshing to my soul (good thing we could hear them from the hotel room). When just being there and having my feet exfoliated by sand, there is a peace that is overwhelming. I can't wait for summer when me and the kiddos can go where it is warmer and have fun in the waves, and once again be calmed by the ocean!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

I love the majesty and peace of the beach, too.

My reunion outfits were a bust. I need a clothing intervention! (Although the top with the cutout shoulders totally freaked people out, eg "Cathy's showing skin!")