Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Call for Obedience

So lately, I have been inundated with the topic of obedience. In BSF, we are studying Moses' last calls for obedience before the Israelites enter the promise land. Family Small group, the call for obedience and bringing God your best. Songs on the radio seem to be singing only on this topic. Me as a Mom, of course want to demand obedience from my kiddos.

The thing that has struck me though in all of this, is that there are ALWAYS consequences for disobedience. I don't like to think about that. My kids don't want to go there. However, it is there.

Recently the call that I want to ignore, is the call for submission. Usually this isn't terribly hard for me, but lately that has changed. It isn't that I am being asked to do something that is too hard, it is just me being asked to move out of the way and let someone else do the leading and the steering, a try it their way for a while. In theory this all sounds good, but when it comes down to it, I realize just how much I am in the way. Then I start to wonder, how many blessings have I missed out of because I am thinking of me? How much harder has my road been to travel because I carry around a bunch of junk? When am I going to learn????? I have no answers mind you, but I know at least where I am being called at the moment, and I need to be obedient. Any and all thoughts are welcome on this!


Mrs. Dunbar said...

We need to chat. And since you got the ladybug answer correct, I'll buy you Starbucks. The question now is when? Tuesday morning? I'll only have Bogie.

Tibbetts Fam said...

Ohh been there. For me it was more of a to be a good leader I must be a good follower thing. Super hard for me. I'm a take control and run kinda gal. But I have learned great ways to lead and also ways that as a follower, drove me nuts!!!

Cathy said...

It's hard for me to follow someone when I know I can lead better... that sounds so conceited, but it's real.

And then God taps this self-absorbed princess on the shoulder and says "it's not about 'better', it's about ME."

We are works in progress with an ever-patient King. And so we bow...again. And the King's smile melts us.