Thursday, November 04, 2010

Thankful for...........

IT is November 4th last time I checked the calendar. Being in education of elementary kids, you check it every five minutes when they write the date.

SO.......last week, when completing Missy's costume, I became outraged that one half of the store was clearance of Halloween and the other gearing up for Christmas. CHRISTMAS!!! Now, I am no BUM-Humbug.....but come on!

I will stand, until I die for the season and Holiday of Thanksgiving. I love that we still have pumpkins all around the house. I cherish the fact that my porch has pumpkins with other fall trinkets....... I am so excited that this weekend, a stuffed animal turkey that Mr. C and I got our first Thanksgiving married, will sit on my mantel, and at times chase my kids around "Gobbling" after them with kisses (okay the kisses are from me, but the game is hysterical!)

So.....Here is a list of things I am thankful for out of the spirit of being Thankful this month (in no particular order):

  • My God, loved us enough to give us Salvation, when we don't deserve it.
  • We live in a country where the people vote for changes, and issues that matter to them as the people.
  • Pumpkin Spice Lattes
  • The coolness of evening and the warm Fall days
  • Although this week, we are really warm with Indian Summer days, we are blessed with the last tastes of summer
  • My kids attend a wonderful school with teachers who LOVE them - mentally and spiritually
  • Hubby and I have jobs we love, and that work well for this season of our family
  • We have an amazing family. Sure we got some quirks, but who doesn't and it adds spice to the pumpkin pie of life!
  • Our pets are funny, and truly part of our family
  • Our neighbors are friends who gather on the sidewalk or in the street and chat about life

More thankfulness coming next week! What are YOU thankful for?

1 comment:

cathy said...

love your list of thankfuls! we have so much, don't we?! I read once "all this and Jesus, too?!" so true! xoxo