Friday, January 01, 2010

Good-bye for now

The dawn of a new year is always exciting to me. This year brings on an old adventure spun in a new light for me and my family. I am starting back to school. After finishing my last bout with school, I never thought I would hike that particular path again. However, as of last Sunday, I am officially back on the trail and trudging along.

After church last week, I decided to go on the school's web-site and check on my class. I knew that there was at least one book I still needed to order before classes begin next week. What I wasn't expecting was the news, that I need to read a book BEFORE official classes start. Did I have the book? NO. Was I prepared to jump in like this? NO. Did I freak out???? YOU BET!!
So thankfully, I had a moment of wonderful Internet service in order to order my books from Barnes and Noble. The books came on Wednesday, which gives me four glorious days to read and then prepare a paper.

So in light of all of this, I am saying good-bye for now on blogging. I will try and use all of you for distractions from the studying awaiting for me, and possibly leave you some comments. Hopefully in the spring, like the flowers I will bloom again. In the spring, I hope to come away with the start of a new degree, the first part a license for teaching students with special needs, and most importantly a renewed understanding in how God brings us through the adventures and hikes He has mapped out for us.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Woo-hoo for you, you brave girl! If I lived closer, I'd be a part of this new chapter by proofing papers, bringing you STRONG coffee, and cooking some meals! Alas, cyber hugs and prayers will have to do (and perhaps bossing Mrs. Dunbar around as my stand-in :)