Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Double Digits

This picture is from dinner. This boy, who won my heart over even before he was born, is now Double Digits!

As a Mama, this birthday has been hard. He is NOT a little boy anymore (although I still see it when he sleeps). He had a few friends over to play football in the park. For the family party he wanted to watch the Super Bowl and have Tritip, homemade rolls, and cheese mashed potatoes. TRITIP!!! This was such a grown up birthday.
He is one of my many treasures. I love this boy, more than I ever thought imaginable to love a child. It puts it into perspective just how much more God loves him, and me.
Happy Birthday Bubba!


Mrs. Dunbar said...

Happy Birthday Bubba. We love you oodles and oodles and oodles. Tritip? Umm, hello!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a great birthday, Grant!