Friday, October 01, 2010

Tales from the Crypt............

Today, I thought I was headed here. I knew I wasn't going to survive! I got the call yesterday to be a HIGH SCHOOL sub. I would have said no, if it wasn't for the fact that the man on the other end of the phone is someone sweet and dear to my heart. We have a bond, that makes me say yes, to things that quite frankly scare the begeebers out of me!
Well, a really good, kind, and compassionate friend emailed me this......"High school is cake. You tell them what to do and they should do it. Unless, the teacher tells you to actually give instruction, then your day might be screwed." Thanks Mrs. Dunbar!
My day on Thursday was so full, and so tiring, that I slept like a baby. Kids were taken care of, we were on our way out the door......when I looked down to see that the puppy had slobbered my shirt! YIKES!!! I can't teach all day with puppy goo down my shirt. Run upstairs and quickly change shirt. Good thing I was wearing black pants.
Get to my Alma matter high school, and was sent in the office to retrieve the key I would need for the day. Who is there????? Another beloved friend. She gives me a hug, gets me my key, and sends me on my way to teacher meeting (wasn't expecting this). "Oh but you must go" she says, "they would be so disappointed to NOT see you there........."
Off I go....back to an old classroom of mine, LATE to a meeting I wasn't intended to go to. My hands are shaking as I open the door. Every desk is filled except one - MY old one from when I attended school there. Really God???? Really???? God's sense of humor shining in this moment. Of course no one knew it was my desk but me.....but still. To some extent it was comforting for me to sit where it was comfortable, in a chair that had held my bum for so many hours before.
Off to the classroom and my first period, being escorted by the new principal......The day went fine. I had mostly seniors, who for the most part were perfect teenagers (is that an oxymoron?). I played a School House Rock video on the Preamble to the Constitution in three periods. Gave a Pop Quiz, and watched them work frantically so they wouldn't have homework over the weekend.
My day ended at 12:20, a full day teaching for this teacher! A stressful situation ended up being a lot of fun. Going back to High School wasn't that bad after all. I might even do it again!


Anonymous said...

glad it worked out so well for you!!

Cathy said...

just saw your pretty face over at Mrs. Dunbar's! happy week, friend! xoxo