Thursday, August 05, 2010

Nightly Visitors

We have nightly visitors. They play and flirt and entertain us.
This pair come every night, without fail.

They come for these. Luckily our yard is filled with these colorful explosions of blooms. The nector is sweet for our friends, and they are happy.

We eat here every night and enjoy the show. We hear them chitter and chatter, see them fly and flirt. We see them happy in our little slice of Heaven, and in return they make us happy.


Anonymous said...

I love little things like that too. it's the little things that make life so good. :)

patty said...

i've seen your comments at cathy's, too... i'm SO enjoying her alaskan re-count. i've visited here before {quietly!}.. don't know why i didn't comment?... your images of the hummingbirds are amazing! {so i just asked my husband for a hummingbird feeder!}... thanks for stopping by!

Anonymous said...

My mom has this swing in her backyard where we love to sit and watch the humming birds. we watch them play tag (that's what we call it)

Christina said...

The pictures of the birds are lovely! I dropped by because I read your comment on LMM's blog, about your husband saying "As you wish." It made me smile, and I thought that was very sweet. A few years ago my husband bought the book The Princess Bride for me (it is one of my all time favorite books, and movies) and he inscribed it "To my princess and my bride." I liked it. :) Anyway, just thought I would say hello, and let you know that your comment brought a smile to another's face.