For all of you out there who are hooked, obsessed, or fascinated by the Twilight series, I have a confession............
Back in December, I bought Twilight (in paperback) as a filler gift for my Dad. He finished it while snowed in, and bought New Moon (in paperback). So I read the books in January and February......then I waited.
You see, I waited because Eclipse wasn't out in paperback. This is a funny little trait that runs in my family. If we start a book series in one format, we read all of the series in that same format. Crazy, I know, but it works for me and both my parents. Genetics, you can't pick your traits.
So a couple of weeks ago, I picked up Eclipse anxious to find out what happens in the world of Vampires and Werewolves......except I was a bit lost. I remembered enough of the big details from New Moon, but not enough of the little ones, to make the references to them make sense. So after 100 pages or so, of me trying to remember, I put the book down.
I went back to New Moon, and started reading the last third of the book. I can now see why my neighbor (who is 16) has read Twilight 13 times, and New Moon at least 10. I am not sure on the others, but I know it is multiple. There are SO many little details that you think don't matter, but really do. It was amazing how much of those I had forgotten or just not paid that much attention to. I can't say, that I will read the books as many times as my neighbor, but after rereading the one, in part, I will definitely reread them all.
As for Breaking Dawn......when I finish Eclipse, I am going to the Library so that I can finish the story. It won't be in paperback, but I have learned my lesson! :)
I have the last book if you want to borrow it. :) I LOVED those books, but the movie I thought was not good. Hopefully the 2nd movie is better.
I borrowed Jamies copies and read each of them twice.
I have yet to stumble into tis obsession!
Oh I knew I liked you... I'm hooked as well and have been for a while.
and get this... are you ready?
I'm going on a roadtrip with my bookclub to FORKS. Oh yeah. Gonna be acting like a bunch of sixteen year olds.
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