Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Every Mom, has these. They are Momisms. Words that make little or no sense to anyone else but Mom,the family, and close friends. So on the lighter side, here are some of my family's Momisms. Some of them are still in use today, others have faded now that we have grown a bit. Either way, they are fun to remember. What are yours?
Bootchey = Bottom

Chicken = any meat, other than a hot dog or fish

Moo Juice = Milk

Cheesy Toast = Grilled Cheese

Underware vs Panties (depends on the gender, but the war rages on in my house)

Peeties = toes or feet

Bana = Banana

Candy Toast = Cinnamon and Sugar on toast

Pooh Sandwich = peanut butter and honey

Suckie = Pacifier

Jammies = pajamas (a friend pointed this one out, not that odd to me)

Candy and Raisins = Trail Mix

Nudey = Speaks for itself

Fooze ball = Football

Brown Cookie = Protein bar

Dragon Blood = the mix of ketchup and mustard together, so tasty on a corn dog

Goozle = the ticklish part under the chin, that makes my little Missy sqeal with delight


Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

Oh my goodness.. you have a bunch!!

I don't know how many I have... I think I should ask my kids!

Mrs. Dunbar said...

We so use "goozle, goozle, goozle" everyday. Now I remember where we got it from.

Anna Cecilia said...

We have the answer for the underwear-panties war. Chonies! That's how we do it over here in Rubidoux. : )