We have all heard it said, and quite possibly said it ourselves either out loud or in our head
"Mirror, Mirror
on the wall,
Whose the fairest
one of all?"
If we look at the Creator of the mirror, our answer is staring right back at us.
We were listening to Missy recite her creation rhymes that go with her artwork that she brought home. At the end of every rhyme (and verse in Genesis for that matter) it ends with ......and He saw that it was GOOD. Not "Oh I am in a hurry, this will have to do". Definitely not "OOPS! Sorry" No where near, "Oh Dear, I screwed THAT one up" or even "This isn't worthy of anything, I need a trash can." NO, God said at the end of HIS creations that it was GOOD.
This means quite simply that if we believe that God created us, then we are considered GOOD. If we take our faith one step further, and believe in our heart of hearts, that we are created in HIS image, then the adjective of GOOD, doesn't even come close. For we are the FAIREST in the land.
Yet, we believe the lie that Satan wants us to believe. We believe and tell ourselves that we don't measure up. We don't fit into size (x) clothing, or weight (x) amount. Our hair is too curly, or not curly enough. We are either too tall, or too short. We have the wrong size feet, to share shoes with our girlfriends, and therefore defective in some way. The lines from laughing, we now don't laugh at but buy creams and potions to hopefully get rid of. We look and obsess over cellulite or stretch marks (that we earned carrying God's creation) with disdain, and uneasiness. This is not to let yourself go, or permission to NOT treat your body like the temple that it is. But it is the wake up call to STOP believing the lie that magazines, movies, and the media in general want us to believe.
We are GOD's creation. I for one, do not have the guts, balls, or courage to stand before the maker of the UNIVERSE and tell HIM where HE got it wrong, where I am concerned. So in light of that, I am going to work with what I have, STOP comparing myself to others, and look in the mirror, at the FAIREST in the land. AS a child of God, I get the bonus of also being a glorified Princess! May the Royal Crowns Unite!!!
Oh, how I LOVE that last line..."Royal Crowns Unite!" Well said and Amen :)
Whoohoo! Well said dahling.
What an awesome post! I needed to hear every word of that! I am always saying that I am too short or I wish I was super skinny or whatever else the problem is at the moment. I need to always remember that He made me, just the way He wanted me to be! :)
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