We MADE it!! Yesterday was the first day of school for my little munchkins. The morning went just as I would have predicted........Bubba, right where he should be, Missy changed outfits THREE times. Yep, we picked out THE outfit the night before, we knew how we were going to do our hair, our backpacks were packed, we were ready. Morning came, nerves came, and we changed our mind on EVERYTHING. I was proud of her though, because she changed into what is comfortable for her. A favorite skirt from the summer, and a comfy t-shirt. The cutest outfit she has - no, but she wore what she is comfortable in, and on a day like yesterday, I was proud of her choice to be herself.
We went to school as a family. We took the pictures by the sign (pictures I have of myself at the same school). I kissed Bubba goodbye as he was off to the playground, and walked the rest of the hallway to Kindergarten with Missy. She was big and put her backpack down, and off to the playground. She held my hand, unsure of what was going on. For every kid, there were a minimum of two parents. Many had even Grandparents there. 64 Kindergartners, 300 parents! NO JOKE!!! I would have been intimidated too. We swung on the swings, and got comfortable with the one little girl she knew from church. (whew!) Mr. C. and I chatted with parents who were in our same shoes, and friends from different walks in our lives.
The bell rang, and I was still doing good. I showed her were to line up ( in the girls line, of her class). She proudly said the pledge of allegiance, for we knew that one! Then they started the walk to class. They got their backpacks when told, and waved goodbye, with smiles on their faces to Mom's and Dad's and walked into class. I cried. My baby is now so big. She is gone for 8 hours a day. It is a big adjustment. This is a big day in her life, the start of her educational career.
Mr. C. is a wonderful, wonderful man, who gets me. He hugged me tight, and told me it was going to be okay. He said the things that I needed to hear as his wife, and as a Mom. Then, he sent me to the spa for the day! My sister in law and I have a small tradition of going to the spa on the first day of school. Last year for various reasons, we missed it. This year, it was mandatory. Mr. C. gave me an amazing gift card, that let me be pampered, relax, rejuvenate, and have a focus on the day besides missing our kids. At the end of treatments, and pampering, it was time to go pick the kids up. Last night was a night of stories, funny antics that kids did, and a glimpse into both of their days. IT must have been good, for they both were wiped out.
Today, drop off was much better. I shadowed her walking to her class, but refused to go out on the playground again today. I kissed her goodbye, made sure she went to the playground safely, and turned and left.....without tears. It is surreal today, the house is quiet (minus the music playing). The puppy doesn't quite know what to do without the others here to play with. We are making it, and not surprising getting things DONE!!! Wahoo!!! I think I can make this transition after all.
I'm glad it went well :) My kids started today, and they are glowing!
Soo cute! Love the backpack!
My kindergarten day was a little different! My daughter barely even noticed I was there and the song "miss independent" rang through my head.
I am glad that the kids had a great first day of school!
They are so big. I remember Missy being in your BELLY!! Now she's off to school? Time flies. I love how she is doing things her way. That will always be an asset for her. And Bubba, well what can I say? I love that kid!!
Glad you had a good spa day. Mission Inn? I think I will have to implement that once I get Bogie off to school.
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