Monday, February 23, 2009

Grammar Lesson

Missy is learning the basics in reading and writing. So because she has figured it out that letters make sounds, and sounds make words, she has now a passion for writing things down. However, being the brilliant 4 year old that she is, she needs help spelling, so this is what we do in the car is spell out words and she writes them down, then reads them back to me. However, the other night this is the conversation that happened in our household.......

Missy: Daddy, I've lost my Rit!
Mr. C: Your what???
Missy: My Rit ~ I just had it, now it is gone
Mr. C: What exactly is a Rit?
Missy: you know - my cracker
Mr. C: No honey, it is a Ritz not Rit
Missy: NO,......(small pause for having to explain something so trivial to her dad) Mommy said that if we have more than one, THEN it has an "S" on the end. I only lost one cracker so it is a Rit. (Duh - implied here)

Mr.C: (laughing but trying really hard not to) Oh! You are right, and here is your cracker.
Missy: Thank you, I really like my Ritz but this is my last one, I didn't want to loose my Rit.

We didn't have the heart to correct her further on the "s" really being a "z". She's 4 after all!


Anonymous said...

too cute ;)

Mrs. Dunbar said...

Your kids are GATE!

Anonymous said...

She's a smart 4-year old--understanding plural and singular already! I remember our baby running in from kindergarten one day saying "hey, Mom, do you know Top-parps are really called Poptarts?!"