Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cow Chip Cookies...........

THESE are the most DELICIOUS, AMAZING, STICK IN YOUR MEMORY FOREVER thing in the world ~ and they were mailed to me today!!!! A whole DOZEN just for me, unless I decide my family is worthy enough to share with.
Isn't this box the cutest???? Love it!
Rarely, do I get "Fun" things in the mail. A catalog can be considered fun, but that just usually gives me the "Gimmies". An occasional "Snail mail" comes, but with family living in a 5 mile radius, we here rarely get the fun stuff.
However.....TODAY.......I GOT IT...........

My friend Laura sent them to me. Here is the funny part though ~ just this week, I have been having a conversation with a cyber friend and fellow Blogger: The Lemonade Makin Mama. She lives close enough, she and some of her girlfriends could go and get some. It would be a trek, but I would do it, especially at Christmas time!
Laura moved away from Cali long ago, but our friendship remains. Even she has moved away from the Emerald City. However, we spent countless days eating away a snack or two, under our totem pole and drinking milk which then matured to Starbucks. This is a food that is eaten with a memory. Never quickly acquired, but savored down to the very last crumb.
If you give a girl a cookie, she'll have memories to go with it. If you give a girl a COW CHIP cookie, you will have changed her week for the better, maybe the entire month!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you thank you, thank you and THANK YOU!!!!


Lemonade Makin' Mama said...

That is AWESOME!!!! I can't beliee that, and we were JUST talking about that! (They really do look amazing too!!) So fun.

Anonymous said...

before I was diagnosed with celiac I used to LOVE cow chip cookies. I miss them... they were soooo good!