Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Thank You

To all the Veteran's out there,


These two words do not seem enough to say, yet that is all I know. You do a job, I physically can not do. You protect me from things I don't know about, and for the ones I do, that scares me enough. You serve those who don't appreciate you, and for those who do. You carry our country's safety on your shoulders, and take that responsibility with a seriousness most of us don't even see a glimmer of. Thank you for those who have served in the past, the present, and for the boys who are dreaming of the job for the future.


Cathy said...

Thanks for the reminder (I am usually wacky on my days!)! I wish it were a holiday celebrated BIG --no school, parades, and thanksgiving services all over the country!

The Flying Bee said...


I was just catching up on your last few posts....really good stuff! I enjoyed it all! This last post was just beautiful!

P.S. I just did a Christmas-y post...sorry! I just couldn't help it! Do you still love me? :)


Angela Dabney said...

Hey friend this day is going to have a deeper meaning for me from here on out. My son just let us know he is going into the marines.