Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Flu, Flu Go Away...........

My household is the NyQuil commercial. We are the sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, and can't go to school family. The bonus is that Mr. C. has yet to get it! HOW????? I am baffled, he has cuddled us all, wiped noses, and most likely been coughed in the face ~ yet he is healthy. Right now I covet his healthiness. I have my suspicions on WHAT we have exactly, but I am too chicken to go to the doctor for a blood test. There are 4 kids in Bubba's class out with it. 1/3 of my nephew's class was out last week (including my nephew). Missy's class is overwhelmed with it too. I just want it to end. Anyone want to come for a visit?????

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Mirror, Mirror...........

We have all heard it said, and quite possibly said it ourselves either out loud or in our head

"Mirror, Mirror
on the wall,
Whose the fairest
one of all?"

If we look at the Creator of the mirror, our answer is staring right back at us.
We were listening to Missy recite her creation rhymes that go with her artwork that she brought home. At the end of every rhyme (and verse in Genesis for that matter) it ends with ......and He saw that it was GOOD. Not "Oh I am in a hurry, this will have to do". Definitely not "OOPS! Sorry" No where near, "Oh Dear, I screwed THAT one up" or even "This isn't worthy of anything, I need a trash can." NO, God said at the end of HIS creations that it was GOOD.

This means quite simply that if we believe that God created us, then we are considered GOOD. If we take our faith one step further, and believe in our heart of hearts, that we are created in HIS image, then the adjective of GOOD, doesn't even come close. For we are the FAIREST in the land.
Yet, we believe the lie that Satan wants us to believe. We believe and tell ourselves that we don't measure up. We don't fit into size (x) clothing, or weight (x) amount. Our hair is too curly, or not curly enough. We are either too tall, or too short. We have the wrong size feet, to share shoes with our girlfriends, and therefore defective in some way. The lines from laughing, we now don't laugh at but buy creams and potions to hopefully get rid of. We look and obsess over cellulite or stretch marks (that we earned carrying God's creation) with disdain, and uneasiness. This is not to let yourself go, or permission to NOT treat your body like the temple that it is. But it is the wake up call to STOP believing the lie that magazines, movies, and the media in general want us to believe.
We are GOD's creation. I for one, do not have the guts, balls, or courage to stand before the maker of the UNIVERSE and tell HIM where HE got it wrong, where I am concerned. So in light of that, I am going to work with what I have, STOP comparing myself to others, and look in the mirror, at the FAIREST in the land. AS a child of God, I get the bonus of also being a glorified Princess! May the Royal Crowns Unite!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Thanksgiving Family Night

We used to have Family Night once a week at my parents. It was Heavenly. My Mom would cook for us all, we would eat, drink, and settle down for "Must See TV" as a family. Now, that we all have kids, and schedules that rarely connect us during the week, it is a rare thing.

However, this week with a break in soccer practice, and the planets aligning, we had family night once again. What we weren't expecting was a Family Feast that my Mom prepared. We had Thanksgiving. Why???? Because my parents are trying to get rid of an old freezer, and the turkey was taking up too much space. She had bought it when it was on sale a month ago, and we never ate it. Turkeys are too big for just the two of them. So last night, we had it all mashed potatoes, yams, green beans, biscuits, gravy, stuffing, and the glorious Turkey. We even had pie for dessert! PIE!!!! YUMMMMMY!!!

It made it taste like fall, even if our weather doesn't feel like fall yet. The boys then figured out that we were having Thanksgiving exactly two months early. The girls kept the tradition of having us all say something we were thankful for from our week. How completely thoughtful that the kids picked up on the idea, that we don't need a calendar day to say what we are thankful for. I need to remember to more thankful everyday for even the little things, for enough little things add up to great big things.

Have a Thankful Weekend.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Twilight Confession..........

For all of you out there who are hooked, obsessed, or fascinated by the Twilight series, I have a confession............


Back in December, I bought Twilight (in paperback) as a filler gift for my Dad. He finished it while snowed in, and bought New Moon (in paperback). So I read the books in January and February......then I waited.

You see, I waited because Eclipse wasn't out in paperback. This is a funny little trait that runs in my family. If we start a book series in one format, we read all of the series in that same format. Crazy, I know, but it works for me and both my parents. Genetics, you can't pick your traits.

So a couple of weeks ago, I picked up Eclipse anxious to find out what happens in the world of Vampires and Werewolves......except I was a bit lost. I remembered enough of the big details from New Moon, but not enough of the little ones, to make the references to them make sense. So after 100 pages or so, of me trying to remember, I put the book down.
I went back to New Moon, and started reading the last third of the book. I can now see why my neighbor (who is 16) has read Twilight 13 times, and New Moon at least 10. I am not sure on the others, but I know it is multiple. There are SO many little details that you think don't matter, but really do. It was amazing how much of those I had forgotten or just not paid that much attention to. I can't say, that I will read the books as many times as my neighbor, but after rereading the one, in part, I will definitely reread them all.

As for Breaking Dawn......when I finish Eclipse, I am going to the Library so that I can finish the story. It won't be in paperback, but I have learned my lesson! :)

Monday, September 21, 2009

First Time Listening.......

Little Missy proudly brought home her homework on Friday. She has yet to discover that Homework will indeed loose it's appeal one day! Anyway, in the homework, she has a
First Time Listening Chart

She quickly explained this part of the homework. There are four categories, in which they can earn first time listening smiley faces. When the chart is complete, we are to have her wear the badge at the bottom of the chart. This is to enforce that we need to be first time listeners to parents, teachers and ultimately God, and when we obey parents and teachers, we are indeed obeying God and making Him happy.

This got me to thinking, as I have been marking the appropriate boxes with pink smiley faces....What would my chart look like? What are the categories that God would pick out for me that I need to work on? Just how long would it take me to earn the badge at the bottom of the chart, and receive praise? In some areas, I see that I need to step up on my listening ears......How are your ears doing today, this week, this month????

Thursday, September 17, 2009

It's Official

It is official, I am back in the work force. Yesterday, after a comically coincidence of events that happen at an elementary school, I was seen for my interview thirty five minutes late. However, I was on time, and that is all that matters.

We chatted, we discussed how things would look, and in the end, I signed a contract. I am now officially the Reading Tutor for the school, as well as substitute teacher. That simply means, that as the kids need it, I am contracted out through the school. I get to set my own hours, days, and time limits. I get to use the resources of the school, as well as whatever I have at home.....oodles and oodles of reading materials. I work with the teachers, parents, and students to best get them where they need to be. I can't wait. This was my absolute favorite job when teaching, and now I can do it, and go to coffee with girlfriends too. Okay, and get some laundry and cleaning done too.

God is great at HIS timing and situations. I don't know where all of this is going to go exactly but I know for right now, I am being blessed with opportunity. I get to earn a little money for my family, while still being there to pick up my kiddos, and come home to puppy and homework. This is going to give me something to do, which in itself is a huge blessing.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I have a job interview today. I haven't been in an official interview in over 12 years. I am slightly freaked out, and a bit nervous.

I turned in my application a few weeks ago. But unlike the public school system, my kid's school interviews their subs. This is something that as a parent, I am thankful for. I don't want some schmuck off the street teaching my kids when I am paying for them to go there. I want quality teachers all of the time. The subs should have the same faith base and standards as the real teachers. As a teacher, I think this process is a bit much. REALLY, I applied for a sub, but WAIT, I also applied to be their reading specialist because there was that NAGGING voice (yes, I realize WHO the voice is) telling me to do so. Sometimes, I really don't like what that voice has to say.

So today, I am growing in faith, that HE really does know best, and am preparing for the interview. I have the dress on, the shoes that look great (Mrs. Dunbar and Jamie be proud!) Now, I need to work for my Dad for a bit, and then go to the interview. I am going to be doing a lot of praying while typing!

Somehow.......I have this nagging feeling that this interview is more than what I applied for. I don't know why, but it seems that this is the way God has been working lately. Will keep you posted.............

Sunday, September 13, 2009

NOT Recommended

Here was my night last night. I do NOT recommend, you repeating it. Laugh all you want, but I will try and remedy it tonight.

After putting the kiddos to bed, I started watching Twilight, in a dark house with all lights off. I got as far as the wolf part, before realizing I was WAY too tired, to finish this movie tonight.

Took the dogs out for one last potty break before bed. Koda (11 months old) instantly went after a rabbit (good boy!) and then preceded to chase around the dark corner of the yard. All of the sudden he started to bark his "I am protecting my home, BACK OFF" bark. When he wants to sound like the size of dog he is, he can and he is intimidating! Then Hailey (12 years old and NEVER barks) put her nose to the air, and the hair on her back stood straight up. She started to bark the same bark. Now I have two big dogs going crazy, and no husband at home. I went inside to find a flashlight. NO LUCK!! I went back outside (stupid, stupid, stupid) and was pondering calling my dad or the police.......HMMMMM. The dogs are going crazy and not letting up, I am standing there in my pj's ~ Duh! I have no idea if the intruder is on four feet or two, but I am standing there waiting to find out. Repeat ~ no hubby home to protect me, and visions of werewolves fresh in the brain. Blood pressure raised at this point and heart racing.

Finally, Hailey gives up her protection bark, but remains on high alert. Koda, is not going to give this up without a fight. Alas, there is movement, and I can see that SOMETHING is on our fence that borders the ravine. It is smaller than a cat, but either a HUGE rat, or some other critter. As Koda is protecting me, it comes into the light..........a small opossum. It is hissing, snarling, and not happy that this smallish moose is trying to knock it off of "its" fence. I do the girlie thing and get a bribe for my dog. I order him to "come" and after getting his attention he does (yeah!!!) even if it is for a cookie, he obeyed with vermin in sight and almost in reach, good boy! Hailey has now seen it is vermin, and decided to look for a cookie for herself when I went in. As I feed him his treat for being such a good boy, I latch the leash on him, and bring my protector inside to be with me.

I go upstairs, and WHAT do I do????? I start where I left off in my mystery / thriller book. I am dumb!!! Of course it was the part in the story where one of the main characters gets her life threatened at knife point. It is high impact, and action, and getting later and later at night. It is now almost 11:30, before I get to a part in the story where it is normal, and I might be able to fall asleep.

Let's just say that the best part of the night was falling asleep praying for protection for me and my kiddos sleeping down the hall. I instantly felt HIS peace, and presence as sleep overwhelmed me, and without God that would have been IMPOSSIBLE. Thankfully, God is there to protect us from the Boogie Man, Vermin's, and suspense novels, as well as the "real" things in life.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I remember so clearly the early morning phone call from a friend announcing that we were under attack. I remember rushing downstairs, to see the first tower fall, and the second plane hit. After dropping off Bubba with my Mom, I learned the news that no one in my family knew where my cousin was. Pure panic went through our family as her school is right next to the towers. I remember hearing the threats all the way to school, knowing that my husband works in a government office, and was on his way there. The fear I felt, when Hubby called my cell phone during class (unheard of people!) to tell me he was evacuated and told to go home. The visual memory of the images that day still haunt me. We found my cousin safe, four days later, and heard her gruesome tale. Knowing that we were one of the blessed few who got good news.

A few years ago, Mr. C. and I went to NYC, for our anniversary. On tour of the downtown area, I chose to not go to ground zero. I couldn't. I am an extremely visual person, and I have spent time in those towers with my cousin. I have wonderful memories, and then horrible images in my head from that gruesome day.

In honor of those who lost their lives on that day, I will not forget. This is our generations "Where were you moment" that truly matters in our history. I am flying our flag in memory of the heroes of that day. I look forward to the day, when the evil of this world is cast into the Lake of Fire, and dealt with once and for all. When the TRUE King rules over us all.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

First Day of School

We MADE it!! Yesterday was the first day of school for my little munchkins. The morning went just as I would have predicted........Bubba, right where he should be, Missy changed outfits THREE times. Yep, we picked out THE outfit the night before, we knew how we were going to do our hair, our backpacks were packed, we were ready. Morning came, nerves came, and we changed our mind on EVERYTHING. I was proud of her though, because she changed into what is comfortable for her. A favorite skirt from the summer, and a comfy t-shirt. The cutest outfit she has - no, but she wore what she is comfortable in, and on a day like yesterday, I was proud of her choice to be herself.

We went to school as a family. We took the pictures by the sign (pictures I have of myself at the same school). I kissed Bubba goodbye as he was off to the playground, and walked the rest of the hallway to Kindergarten with Missy. She was big and put her backpack down, and off to the playground. She held my hand, unsure of what was going on. For every kid, there were a minimum of two parents. Many had even Grandparents there. 64 Kindergartners, 300 parents! NO JOKE!!! I would have been intimidated too. We swung on the swings, and got comfortable with the one little girl she knew from church. (whew!) Mr. C. and I chatted with parents who were in our same shoes, and friends from different walks in our lives.

The bell rang, and I was still doing good. I showed her were to line up ( in the girls line, of her class). She proudly said the pledge of allegiance, for we knew that one! Then they started the walk to class. They got their backpacks when told, and waved goodbye, with smiles on their faces to Mom's and Dad's and walked into class. I cried. My baby is now so big. She is gone for 8 hours a day. It is a big adjustment. This is a big day in her life, the start of her educational career.

Mr. C. is a wonderful, wonderful man, who gets me. He hugged me tight, and told me it was going to be okay. He said the things that I needed to hear as his wife, and as a Mom. Then, he sent me to the spa for the day! My sister in law and I have a small tradition of going to the spa on the first day of school. Last year for various reasons, we missed it. This year, it was mandatory. Mr. C. gave me an amazing gift card, that let me be pampered, relax, rejuvenate, and have a focus on the day besides missing our kids. At the end of treatments, and pampering, it was time to go pick the kids up. Last night was a night of stories, funny antics that kids did, and a glimpse into both of their days. IT must have been good, for they both were wiped out.

Today, drop off was much better. I shadowed her walking to her class, but refused to go out on the playground again today. I kissed her goodbye, made sure she went to the playground safely, and turned and left.....without tears. It is surreal today, the house is quiet (minus the music playing). The puppy doesn't quite know what to do without the others here to play with. We are making it, and not surprising getting things DONE!!! Wahoo!!! I think I can make this transition after all.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Happy Labor Day

Labor Day has it's history dating back to the 1800's. However, our FATHER has it dating back further than that. I was deeply challenged this past year, on taking days off. Having days of rest, really keeping a Sabbath day free of work. So on this day, that our nation recognizes, I am focusing on what God says about rest, and our labor.
Rosie the Riveter, has a point: WE CAN DO IT!!! We can take a day and focus on God, family, and friends. Enjoy a last hurrah before school starts, and the unofficial end of summer. Enjoy your day friends, and focus on what matters.
Genesis 2:2 on the seventh day God had finished HIS work of creation, so HE rested from all His work.
Exodus 23:12 You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but on the seventh day you must STOP working.......It allows you to be refreshed. (message repeated 5 more times in Exodus)
1 Chronicles 28:20 ....Be Strong and courageous, and DO the work. don't be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God, my God is with you . He will not fail you or forsake you.
Psalm 127: 2 It is useless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, anxiously working for food to eat; for God gives rest to his loved ones.
2Corinthians 12:9 "My Grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness ." So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.
Ephesians 6:7 Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people.
Philippians 1:6 And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue HIS work until it is finally finished on the Day when Christ Jesus returns.

Friday, September 04, 2009

Sampson Summer

This is the second season of the Sampson Summer in our house. It started last summer, when around April, Bubba asked if he could be Sampson for the summer. So........after consideration, I said "sure" except for keeping to the rules during school. So as of the last day of school, NO shears of any shape touch my son's head for the entire summer. Does he get stronger? Nah, but it would be cool if he did. He does feel like a rebel though! I like the fact that he kind of looks like Zac Efron.

Then AFTER Back to School Night, the big transformation happens, and I get my clean cut boy back. Truth be told, I don't mind it long. He takes care of it. His baby face comes out when it is short, and it is SOOO much cooler for soccer season.

Today, Bubba and Missy visited Miss Christina, and we had fun! He loves it! Missy is very happy to have had a trim, but still able to do the VERY important pigtails. I am happy that it is one more thing off the check list before school starts next week.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

One small step..........

Today I took what might seem to some as a small step in today's society, but let me assure you, it was


for this stay at home Mama. I completed, for the second time (ugh and sigh on THAT story), my application to be a sub and reading specialist at my kid's school. I made the required copies of my degrees, credentials, and CBEST score. It is turned in, and secured. Now we wait for the phone to ring.

It has been six years since I have officially been in charge of a classroom, but I figure it is going to be like riding a bike. Once in there I can follow a lesson plan, organize and manage a class, and keep everyone from killing each other.

My confidence has been shaken from not being in the work force for so long, but today on my way home, I realized the tremendous blessing that the last six years has been. I have been taken care of by my Father who knew what was best for me and my family. The next step, I am not sure of, but I know that there is a God holding my hand making sure I don't fall.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009


Every Mom, has these. They are Momisms. Words that make little or no sense to anyone else but Mom,the family, and close friends. So on the lighter side, here are some of my family's Momisms. Some of them are still in use today, others have faded now that we have grown a bit. Either way, they are fun to remember. What are yours?
Bootchey = Bottom

Chicken = any meat, other than a hot dog or fish

Moo Juice = Milk

Cheesy Toast = Grilled Cheese

Underware vs Panties (depends on the gender, but the war rages on in my house)

Peeties = toes or feet

Bana = Banana

Candy Toast = Cinnamon and Sugar on toast

Pooh Sandwich = peanut butter and honey

Suckie = Pacifier

Jammies = pajamas (a friend pointed this one out, not that odd to me)

Candy and Raisins = Trail Mix

Nudey = Speaks for itself

Fooze ball = Football

Brown Cookie = Protein bar

Dragon Blood = the mix of ketchup and mustard together, so tasty on a corn dog

Goozle = the ticklish part under the chin, that makes my little Missy sqeal with delight

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure ~ Date Night

So last night we had date night. NOT me and Mr. C, but rather Missy and Me, Mr. C. and Bubba. This was an end of summer opportunity to spend quality time with each of our kids.
I let Missy choose what she wanted to do. Her choice, no joke was "I want to stay home for date night and watch a Barbie movie". Okay, that sounds easy, and fun.

Bubba and the Hubby, fulfilled one of Bub's dreams for the summer and went to Dodger Stadium for a game against the Diamond Backs. (gag, puke, cough, heart attack happening right here from the Angels fan family) His goal, was to just see a different stadium, sorta close by. So we were blessed by having a connection to a Diamond Back pitcher, and he got the boys seats with the players families. These are REALLY, REALLY nice seats behind home plate, or the dugout traditionally. He ate a Dodger dog (and didn't die!) They saw 5 home runs hit during the game, and most exciting was that they got to see a last minute baseball trade basically in action. You see, our pitcher connection actually got traded to the Dodgers during the 7th inning of the game! So now our friend, who last year actually WAS an Angel (yeah!), is now a Dodger. Bubba and Mr. C. were so excited to see it happening and be there for the live feed at the game. Baseball is wacky that way to trade mid season! Crazy, baseball factoid: he can't go home and move his stuff, because he is contracted to stay with the team. Guess his fiance is on her own for moving details!

Missy and I went shopping at one of our favorite stores of Target. When asked if she wanted to go out for dinner her response "No, I just want to stay home, and have Pot Stickers with rice." So we made dinner together, gave her a bath, got into jammies, and watched Barbie conquer the musical world. We made popcorn, cuddled on the couch, and topped the evening off with chocolate chip cookies. WE were in bed at a great time, a blessing to us both!

This morning the whole conversation between the two kids was how exciting their nights were. Two completely different nights, yet, two completely happy kids. Both were happy and excited for the other and how much fun they each had.

As for MY date night with hubby, thanks to my SIL and a sleep over with cousins, that is happening later this week!