Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure

My treasure this morning is our church's annual Marriage Getaway. Even though it is a lot of work, it also is very fun and very rewarding. It is a time for marriages to be healed, refreshed and renewed. Friday night is a fun dinner party. Saturday is meetings, but with a three hour lunch (to relax by the pool, or have a leisure lunch with friends), followed by date night.

This year's topic for the whole conference was about TREASURE. What do we treasure, what does our lives reflect that we treasure? How is God being reflected in our marriages as a treasure?

Some of the sessions were easier than others to hear. Some were down right hard to realize just how selfish we can be with our time, finances, and lives. It made me ponder what is truly being reflected through my life as a treasure. Are others seeing my ONE true treasure of Jesus?

On the sad note, Mr. C. and I didn't get one picture of us dressed up! NOT ONE!!! There are pictures of our friends as couples, but not one of us. I did however treasure that he took the time to coordinate with my dress, you just can't see it :(


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you guys had a fun weekend! :)

Mrs. Dunbar said...

We had an awesome time this weekend and I was so bummed I didn't get a picture of the two of us!!! There is a pretty funny one of the four of us though. Did Amanda take it or was it on your camera?

You are one of my treasures!!!