Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Living out Faith Cont.......

The great news is.....My Dad is home! He actually was released late yesterday afternoon and had a salmon dinner waiting for him and my Mom when they walked in the door (white wine was in the frig for my Mom, because she DESERVED it!). They changed his medicines, and he is under surveillance, but he was able to sleep in his own bed (not exactly following doctors orders), and rest at home.

I was just reading a friends blog, and she rocked me a little. She is wrestling with her own issues, but the truth is the same. I have learned through this process that I have said countless times that I have trust in God to take care of the situation, but when it came to MY family, MY Dad, did I really find God trustworthy? Did I really truly believe that God was going to do the best despite my prayers and wants. Now in this situation, it is easy to walk away and say "Hey, thanks for answering God" and move on, but what I want to do is HONOR God with my actions in how He blessed our family. I need to continue to believe that God is trustworthy even if He doesn't answer the prayers the way I want Him to.

The truth is, we are entering a time of life where our parents are going to have more health issues. My last surviving grandparent will no longer be with us (she turns 89 today!). My Dad's heart, although supposedly fixed, might develop further complications. We all have our time. I want to honor God with my reaction when the prayers don't go the way I want, but rather when God calls my loved ones home. We were challenged on Sunday to honor God with our lives and our decisions. I want to be found honoring to Him, who is forever faithful and trustworthy.


Mrs. Dunbar said...

Living out faith is so hard when you are not the one to tell someone "just lean on Jesus", when its you that has to do the leaning, difficulty and frustration set in. I thank God for our friendship and the faith he has bestowed in you.

cathy said...

I'm glad your Dad is home in his own bed! And yes, a STAND of faith ("Yes! I believe!") is much easier than a WALK of faith. So glad He WALKS with us.