Friday, June 26, 2009


I have been playing solitaire lately. When I told Mr. C. his reply was "On what?" My answer, "The kitchen table." He just laughed. Go figure from a guy with a high tech phone with fun games.

This morning I was playing again, and it hit me. Solitaire is a lot like walking with God. He has dealt our hand, shuffled the deck, and laid out the beginning cards for us. We, walk up and start rearranging the cards, in hopes of the way that will lead us to "winning" (maybe a blessing). Free will is the simple act of choosing which cards we move, shuffle, play, and in what order. Only God though knows which cards are being hidden, which treasures we have yet to discover, and how the hand is suppose to be played out. His goal is for us to win too, but sometimes we don't get the prize because we haven't played our hand well. Sometimes we get really close to a blessing but not the whole thing because WE got in the way and messed things up. We didn't look at the bigger picture of what was being dealt to us.
Unlike Solitaire though, walking with God is not a solitary act. We can ask for help, hints, guidance, and hope. We still have free will, we still can mess things up if we let our pride not ask for the assistance that is there, but it is there all the same. My prayer this week, will be to not let my pride get in the way, and ask for help when I can't see HIS way and plan.


cathy said...

beautiful analogy :)

Anonymous said...

so true!
looks like we may see you guys next friday night at the game! :)

LisaR said...

Too funny. I have been playing solitaire on the computer again myself. I have always loved solitaire, and then Dan got the "cookies solitaire" app on his iPhone, and I went nuts. Katie, Ron, and I compete for high scores. It gets pretty competitive :)