Saturday, July 02, 2011

Sweet 16

We have been married for 16 glorious years!

This picture was taken on the Angels Opening Day.

What did we do to celebrate??? Well, we are on vacation with the kiddos. SO, we did what every romantic couple with kids does, and went to the movies and saw Cars 2. I giggled at the irony of us celebrating 16 and most 16 year olds want to drive, yet here we were watching a movie about driving......... Then we walked the longest pier in California, to eat at a wonderful, and fun restaurant - Rubies. Along the walk we watched hundreds of fisherman catching their daily amount of fish and two were lucky (?) enough to catch sand sharks.

A more romantic dinner is being planned without kiddos when we get home. All in all, it was a great family date night.

Mwah Babe!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Preparing for Battle
Aboard the "Jolly Roger"

We've been invaded by Pirates in these here parts. When Bubba was little, he was an avid Pirate fan. Now, we are pirate fans again. Only this time the Capt'n has a crew who is more than willing to play along. They even have the puppy playing along as a crocodile (but those pictures didn't turn out).

So Ahoy and enjoy your summer days, for I know I will be as I listen to my swashbuckling crew!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day.....

To those who serve our country: THANK YOU!

To those whose loved one is over seas or deployed away: We are with you, in prayer and spirit

To those who have lost a loved one due to war: Our sincere condolences, and prayers for your mourning heart. Our family has been effected as well.

This year Memorial Day took a different spin. This year, we have a loved brother serving in Afghanistan. This year it hit home for us all in a different way.

Our city does a Harley Davidson Ride every year that travels right by our house. This year my in-laws rode in honor of their son serving. We cheered and yelled as we saw them ride by. This year we had even more reason to show support. This morning as the Black Hawk helicopter flew and circled our neighborhood, my little guy saluted, in honor of his uncle that flies on the same helicopter.

We in our household fly our flag proudly. We love those who have served in the past, and are currently serving, for we are a military family.

May we never forget the sacrifice that others are making, so we can sleep safely at night.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Doggie Paddling......................

(photo taken at my brother's pool - a blessing for the whole family, puppy included)

This picture is VERY cute. However, my pooch has a step he is on, an incredibly large step. Right now, I don't feel like I have a very wide step. I am doggie paddling through my days, weeks, moments. My work schedule changed - a very good and needed thing. Now, it calls for some adjustments.

My Crock Pot has come into full use several times a week.

My Laundry Basket has to be managed by the person whose laundry is in it.

Cleaning my house standard has become: Good enough. Not perfect, but good enough.

My children have learned that there are bonuses to getting ready for school on the "Early Days"

My husband is amazing and when I get the early morning phone call rearranging my day, once again, he steps in and packs lunches and whatever else I need. I married an amazing Man.

I pray that my friends and family who probably feel neglected realize that it is not them, nor my intentions, but rather my poor swimming skills at the moment.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

How in the world?

We went all natural snow sledding - the snow was waist deep, and thigh high ~ literally.
My precious snow family....

How can it possibly be March and double digits tomorrow? Last week, we were still in February! I am not sure how it happens, but it seems to happen this way every year for me. One day February - I still have plenty of time to plan Missy's bday. Then all of the sudden it is in three days! Yowza!!! Maybe this year was worse, since I had to travel out of state last week. However, it never really seems to fail.......her birthday sneaks up on me. In my defense, I have proof that last week was still February. Maybe the calendar fairy is stealing days and storing them up for summer break (aha, my favorite theory here!)

This year, she doesn't want a party. She has her mind set on a shopping trip instead. We have discussed, and rediscussed this - the girl knows her mind. With three days until the big day, I am glad that this is the plan. Pictures to come, I hope.......

Last weekend though, we took a jaunt to the mountains for some family time. Much needed family time.......Here are some picts!

Thursday, February 24, 2011


The POWER of WORDS.......
Today I experienced words in the most positive way. I was in a random conversation that divinely turned deeper, it called for me to be real. I revealed some fears and inhibitions that I am facing at an upcoming conference. (Not an easy task, especially with the person I was talking with). The person I was sharing with looked shocked. She replied to my real fears with words of not encouragement but a genuine heartfelt compliment. Maybe this touched my heart in a different way, because I don't have these kinds of conversations with this person. Maybe it touched me because she gave me a boost of confidence at the right moment.
Either way, I left the conversation with a bounce in my step and a feeling that this event that is coming up, will indeed be successful. I left the conversation feeling refreshed.
The power of a compliment. The power of supportive words.
This encounter left me wondering who I could bless with some simple positive words........after all, I chat quite a bit ~ might as well make them count in a positive light.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Post Stealing

To view my post that I WANT to post: Go see Lady Dunbar from my side bar. That was my weekend. Except for the fact that on Monday I was playing with Bubba and busted my head open. Stitches, black eye, the whole fireworks. That is why I am Post Stealing today. I can hardly keep my eyes open without pain since I worked all day today.


Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Double Digits

This picture is from dinner. This boy, who won my heart over even before he was born, is now Double Digits!

As a Mama, this birthday has been hard. He is NOT a little boy anymore (although I still see it when he sleeps). He had a few friends over to play football in the park. For the family party he wanted to watch the Super Bowl and have Tritip, homemade rolls, and cheese mashed potatoes. TRITIP!!! This was such a grown up birthday.
He is one of my many treasures. I love this boy, more than I ever thought imaginable to love a child. It puts it into perspective just how much more God loves him, and me.
Happy Birthday Bubba!