Friday, December 11, 2009


I feel like I am writing for our town's newspaper and need to submit a correction. Actually, maybe better stated a clarification.......

Yesterday's events were horrific. Thankfully, they are NOT as bad as we have seen in our house. OY!!! I digress....... Anyway, yesterday Bubba did retrieve the ball out of the tree. Then being an eight year old boy, he was going to throw it again for his puppy. Puppy being a knuckle headed goofball of a dog, with an extremely large blockhead jumped up in excitement and smashed into my son's face. That is how the said gruesome story unfolded. Even though our dog has worn a cape a time or two, to become Underdog, or Super Puppy he does not have flying abilities ~ yet. He does have great jumping abilities.

This isn't our first collision with puppy trying to do good gone wrong, and something tells me it won't be our last. However, Bubba was cheerful about it today until the recess duty teacher told him he couldn't play soccer. That tore my son's heart right open and wounded him more than the physical pain he is in. She wasn't willing to risk additional trauma to the mouth, and there is part of me who agrees, and a VERY big part of me that almost cried with my little guy.

He came home and played soccer with his dog.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Took the Plunge

Just like the Nestea guy, I took the plunge. After MUCH deliberating, praying, discussing, meeting, observing, and more prayer, we decided for me to take the plunge and apply to:


Yep, I am going to hopefully hit the books, log in on-line, and in the end become an Educational Therapist. What is that????? Yeah, I had NO idea either. Basically it is a Special Ed teacher at the kid's school using the Discovery method from NILD.

So I sent in my application, and they received it in headquarters yesterday (thanks certified mail!). So now I wait, and find out what the verdict is. If accepted, I would be extremely excited, scared, and anxious. But mostly, EXCITED!!! If rejected, I will be sad, disappointed, and confused as to where God is putting me for next year. If accepted, school starts January 4th. Nothing like last minute here!!! Will keep you posted.

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Additition problem......

What do you get when you add one boy playing ball, one puppy who wants the ball, and one tree? The answer in my world: is an EMERGENCY trip to the Dentist, to see if the hospital is next!

Yep, that was my afternoon. I had sent Bubba outside to play with the puppy. It makes them both happier come homework time. He had just checked in with me, and told me about the NFL kick that put the ball in the tree. I being a responsible parent, told him to retrieve the said ball and then come in and finish homework. We have a BIG report due tomorrow after all. What do I hear as doing homework with Missy? THE BLOOD CURDLING SCREAM!!!! I run outside to find my son with a bloody face. After rushing him to the kitchen, and applying pressure, I soon realized this was worse than I feared. I called the dentist, and he said come right down.

We sped down to the dentist.....figured if I got pulled over, they could look in the back at WHY I was speeding. We got right in at the dental office. WHEW!! The dentist looked at his mouth and lips, and assessed that we just barely made it to the point of NO stitches. Bub's braces actually helped save his teeth from being too damaged. His lip will heal, as will the cut in his mouth, but it looks NASTY. Just know this, because I value you, I saved you from the gore of pictures. Should be interesting tomorrow at school.

When we got home, Koda was VERY sorry and laid at Bubba's feet while he did the homework and finished his report. He even gave Bubba an "I AM sorry" slobbery kiss which made Bubba giggle.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009


I am a rule follower. THAT is a big part of who I am. Last week, I was told, by Federal Jury duty cyber phone voice, that I was not to call in again until Sunday night. So.....Sunday night I called in, only to be told by cyber woman, that I was to report for jury duty at 7:45 on Tuesday, December 8th and to call back on Monday night for further instructions. YIKES!!! However, I was excited that at least I had a day's notice to prepare for my day. I could arrange for childcare, make sure that the kids on my caseload were prepared that I wasn't coming, and basically get ready for what may come.

Monday night, I called back like instructed. Then much to my amazement, the cyber voice said "Thank you for your time, your jury services has been fulfilled. You do not need to report for the rest of the week." Hear the Hallelujah Chorus? Do you hear the trumpets, horns, and tambourines? I sure did after listening to the message for a second time.

So after preparing my kids, my students, and the teachers I work with, that I WOULDN'T be there today, I showed up. I serviced my kids like normal, and had a great Tuesday.

Hope your day was just as happy!

Monday, December 07, 2009

Christmas Tradition...........

I try every year to read a Christmas book at Christmas time. I was a great thematic teacher, can you tell? Anyway, this is one of my ABSOLUTE favorites. I love the Herdmans and their funny antics. I love that you never really know the kid telling the story. I love that the true meaning of Christmas is there the entire time. I especially learned to love this book one year, when Mr. C. and I were early marrieds, and he had never read it, so we read it out loud to each other. I value this book, when I forget that there are real Herdmans out there, no matter what town or school you go to, and they need love too. If you need a good Christmas read, one that brings the little ones to giggle too.......Enjoy this one! This year I get the privilege of enjoying this book with Bubba, as his class is reading it together. I can't wait for story time tonight!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Did you know......

Did you know, that if you are summoned for FEDERAL Jury Duty, that it last for


YIKES!!! Yep, guess who has it??? That is right my friends! So on top of trying to work, Christmas shop, see my family, go to Soccer playoffs (yeah Bubba!!!), orthodontist appointments, dental cleaning for me, etc.......every night I have a date with my phone to see if I frantically need to rearrange my schedule, or miss Parent/Teacher conferences because of jury duty.


So for those of you out there, who complain about the week long process, I have just had my own bubble burst and found out that yes, there are indeed worse scenarios out there!

I am whining I know, but that is all I have right now ~ sorry!