Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pointless Poll

This week's poll, is difficult for me. I truly find peace in both places but for different reasons. Take an inventory for yourself.....and vote away!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Wardrobe

So I am totally blog stealing right now!!! My friend, posted a blog about her life and how much growing she has done in the past year. Looking back on her year, life has been rough, she has grown, but she is better for her growing. So in my comment to her, I stated that at least she gets a new wardrobe for her growing. At least it wasn't in vain! Then I really started to think about it.

You see, I wasn't completely off my rocker. I realized that when we grow spiritually, rarely do we want to go back to where we were. Rarely do we want to be the same person. As HARD as growing is, it has several rewards that go with it. Growing is HARD, hard when you are little and get so warn out by the growing process. Hard when you are an adult and feel like you should have learned this lesson by now. Hard when you didn't want to grow, but you had no choice in the matter.

But God promises in Deuteronomy 28, that if we are obedient, there are HUGE rewards. If we are obedient, there are HUGE blessings. If we are obedient, we find HUGE favor with HIM. We just have to believe that He is faithful in getting us through the growing process, and clothe us in HIS wardrobe ~ the best quality and kind.

Now that we have grown, we have a new perspective, a new outlook. When we are not in a growing spurt, we can look back at what we learned and be thankful. What girl want to wear the same pair of shoes everyday? It is good to have several right???? Same here, it is good to have our spiritual wardrobe, to pull from and have variety. A shoe rack or wardrobe where we can see the ol' reliables with the sassy and better new additions.

I see spiritual growing much like a diet. We don't want to go back, because if we are smart, we will see all of our hard work, be proud of ourselves for getting through and want to continuously fit into our new clothes and perspective. So instead of complaining about the growing process I am going to (hopefully) look at the end goal, and the end result and rejoice at how God is clothing me. I have a feeling that HIS sense of style is the best that is out there.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure

This week's treasure is the Beach. We went to the beach this weekend, and although it was a Northern Ca beach, which meant cold weather, and colder temperatures in the water we still had a fabulous time. The kids were smart and didn't purposefully get soaked, they instead flew a kite with their Dad and played in the sand. There was even a swing set on the sand so they could swing and hear the waves and be at the beach all at the same time. Crazy enough we found thousands of ladybugs on the beach ~ thousands!!! What I remembered after a winter of not visiting the ocean is how much the smell of the ocean calms me. How the sound of the waves is refreshing to my soul (good thing we could hear them from the hotel room). When just being there and having my feet exfoliated by sand, there is a peace that is overwhelming. I can't wait for summer when me and the kiddos can go where it is warmer and have fun in the waves, and once again be calmed by the ocean!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Call for Obedience

So lately, I have been inundated with the topic of obedience. In BSF, we are studying Moses' last calls for obedience before the Israelites enter the promise land. Family Small group, the call for obedience and bringing God your best. Songs on the radio seem to be singing only on this topic. Me as a Mom, of course want to demand obedience from my kiddos.

The thing that has struck me though in all of this, is that there are ALWAYS consequences for disobedience. I don't like to think about that. My kids don't want to go there. However, it is there.

Recently the call that I want to ignore, is the call for submission. Usually this isn't terribly hard for me, but lately that has changed. It isn't that I am being asked to do something that is too hard, it is just me being asked to move out of the way and let someone else do the leading and the steering, a try it their way for a while. In theory this all sounds good, but when it comes down to it, I realize just how much I am in the way. Then I start to wonder, how many blessings have I missed out of because I am thinking of me? How much harder has my road been to travel because I carry around a bunch of junk? When am I going to learn????? I have no answers mind you, but I know at least where I am being called at the moment, and I need to be obedient. Any and all thoughts are welcome on this!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pointless Poll

This weeks, might be easy, might not. This is my random thoughts if nothing else. If you were to choose a pet, only one, which would you choose. As most of you know, I actually do have both, and to be honest they are so much a part of me, I could never choose between THEM, however on the species, I totally have a preference ~ what is yours?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure

Today's treasure has no pictures ~ sorry. But what I treasure this week is the smell of dirt (see there is a reason for no picts!) I love the smell of dirt, my dirt to be exact. I love working in the garden like I did this weekend. Feeling the sun on my back, having my hands dirty, and my face sweaty. I like the feeling that when I finally go inside to shower something was accomplished. It might not be much, it might not show much fruit besides no more weeds for a few days anyway, but it is therapeutic to me. This weekend, I moved plants. No one is really going to notice except for me and Mr. C. but it was worth it. Now, I don't have to worry about little plants with big puppy paws going through them. I love my garden right now ~ but more on that to come.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The New Nest

This week we got new neighbors. It was a bit odd, as these are the first "new" neighbors we have gotten in almost 8 years. With the old neighbors you knew what to expect, it wasn't much, they kept to themselves most of the time but were at least friendly. Then on Thursday morning, I had just given Bubba over to my SIL for carpool, when out of her house comes my new neighbor with a busted pipe. Nothing says welcome, like a leaking pipe from upstairs!! After making a phone call, and talking to the fire department (they are the next door neighbors), we were able to get the water problem solved. We chatted a bit, and left it at that, we after all were still in our pajamas (okay sweats, but still!) Then my kids came home and wanted to meet the "new" kids on the block. The kids were great (great complementary ages for my kids ages), the neighbors are great, very friendly and genuinely warm. They have a lab,chocolate no less (that makes for 4 labs on the immediate cul-de-sac) There are things that I am going to miss of the old neighbors, but the new neighbors seem to be a real blessing. The most amazing part is this: They are Christians!!! One more warrior on our block of very few believers. This is going to be good ~ well, I hope!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spiritual Trading Cards

This week while being quiet, I have had a lot of time to think.........Then the tragedy of Nick Adenhart hit. That got me thinking some more. You see, he was just starting his professional baseball career. He had just finished pitching what was for him a perfect game of six innings. He was probably out celebrating his rising fame with friends. Then a drunk driver hit his car, killing him, another passenger and putting the driver in critical condition. Sadly, some of what is being talked about is how much his baseball card will be worth, or could have been worth.

Then I realized that we as Christians sometimes want a baseball card. We want a card that shows our stats, years of service, the good qualities about us. I am sure that there could be some fancy designs out there. Can you imagine, instead of collecting Babe Ruth, and Ryan Nolan, you collect Billy Graham, Greg Laurie, Elizabeth George, and maybe a Wetherell Johnson (very rare!). We would want the design to be spiritual of course, and highly collectible. Don't we all want to be seen as high achievers for God? People who do nothing else but devote our life to our cause and are seen for it? But that isn't the way it works. Moses didn't ask for the job. Joshua inherited it, and wasn't even in the blood line for it. Paul was recruited and then told to serve. The disciples were told to leave their families and lives with no notice and follow HIM. I think that sometimes we want the glory for the areas that we are serving but we don't want to look at what it really takes to follow HIM and EARN the card.

Professional Athletes earn a lot of money for what they do. They devote their entire lives for the dream of being the best. The put off college if they are able, they move away from their families, and move again when traded. They are told who to play, how to play, and in general are expected to get the job done, after all they are paid enough. Am I willing to put in the effort for such devotion as that for MY AGENT? When I am not paid monetarily, but eternally. These are the thoughts that have been swimming around in my mind for the past couple of weeks. Really evaluating what I am doing and who I am trying to serve while doing it. I don't want the job to increase the stats on my trading card, I want the job because at the end of the journey I want to be found faithful. A faithful servant, because if my life happens to be cut short, I don't want to be found lacking in what my card could have been worth, or should have been worth.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pointless Poll

Okay, so here is this weeks poll. Not necessarily creative, but it is what I've got in me! Vote now, and just imagine enjoying with friends over a great dinner!

Tuesday's Treasure

My treasure this week is my HUBBY!!! He is basically everything I wanted my husband to be. He is funny, strong, stable, and most importantly my best friend. We have an incredible time together and on our journey of life. He is the one who grounds me when I am being crazy, irrational, or just plain emotional. My kids are exceptionally lucky to have such an amazing Dad, who loves them so much. This week is his birthday, so Happy Birthday Babe, you deserve the best! Love you!!!

Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure

My blood runs RED, ANGELS RED!!! I haven't always been a baseball fan, unless I can watch it live. In fact I still like to watch it live instead of on the TV, however Mr. C. has changed me. For the past several years we have shared season tickets. This is our 5th season now since the passion began. Even though we are not partners anymore in the season ticket holder game, I am still a fan. I am looking forward to the highs and lows of the season. Cheering when they do great and being disappointed when grown men, making ridiculous amounts of money drop the ball. But, alas they are my team, and I treasure baseball season. Let the season begin! PS - Mr. C. and I went to opening game last night and had a terrific time!!! LET'S GO ANGELS!!!

Monday, April 06, 2009

I've been off

I have been off this past week. Maybe it's hormonal or something......I have been quiet on the blog not because I have nothing to say, that rarely happens, but because I want to say the right things..........I hope you are still here when I can return.......

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Pointless Poll

Okay, so this week I must be hungry! Here you go! Which is better for you and why? Taco Bell or Dell Taco ~ there is a difference!!! Also, for those of you out there that would choose homemade ~ well, I would too, but I can't drive through your house and pick up dinner for a family of four for under $15!