Thursday, January 29, 2009

Lost, but now FOUND

I found the remote!!!! I am ashamed to say where......away! Now, I am not totally crazy on this one, but it was away, but in the house away, not in the car away. You see, because of another project that happened in our household, we only have one car in the garage. If my car is out in the driveway, Mr. C. has asked that I bring in the remote for the garage to prevent something potentially bad and someone having access to our house. NO PROBLEM! Getting broken into while away or while home is not on my agenda this week ~ or ever. So now I remember as I was getting ready for dinner, I moved the remote to the key basket. I did it, not the innocent 7 year old, ME. OOPS!!!

I've Done it again......

You would think that after almost 8 years of having kids, I would know better. I mean come on!!!! However, I goofed again, and now I have to FIND it! Here is the story......

Yesterday, we went on what is now our daily walks with the Puppy. It is a fun time, the neighbor girl comes with us, which is a different blog altogether...... anyway. So yesterday we leave and I cleverly hide the remote to the garage door. When we get back from the walk, Bubba gets the remote, opens the door for the ladies (such a gentleman) and we all go inside. One thing leads to another, I make dinner, Mr. C. comes home, blah, blah blah. It isn't until this morning when Missy and I are leaving for a play date that I go to close the garage, and you guessed it, NO remote. I fixed the problem temporarily but now I can't find the remote anywhere. He was playing with it clipped to his pants, but it isn't there. NOT in the laundry, NOT in the garage, but mostly NOT in the car where I need it to be. Guess what we are doing when he gets home from school?! Not to mention, that this escalates my obsession of finding things that are lost. I just might need counseling. Off to go look some more........

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure ~ 40 Years Together

My parents celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary this weekend. The fact that they are still together is mind blowing to some. The fact that they are happily still together after 40 years, blows the minds of most. Especially when you know how it all began..........

My parents went to the same high school but were a year apart, and didn't know each other. It wasn't until later in college that they met at a friend's house. My dad was in the military, my mom a full time student and working at a dentists office. They started to date and had about three months to fall in love (while he was stationed in Monterrey, she in So. Cal) before my dad deployed to Vietnam. They wrote letters, I am sure they were romantic. My dad asked my Mom to marry him, and her reply was "I'll tell you the answer when you return." My dad went MIA for several stressful days. He (obviously) came home on Christmas Eve. Exactly one month later they were married, and the next day started the move to Georgia were my dad was going to be stationed. They started their new life, practically strangers, and moving to south, away from all family.

I have often thought of their story. You see, they haven't always had the romantic bliss that you would hope. In many ways, they have had a very stressful life. However, their marriage was always firm. I never really questioned if they would get a divorce. They rarely fought in front of us, if much at all really. They are love birds in the true form, and still are. They STILL make out! I knew that beyond a shadow of doubt was that their love was strong enough to endure the life that has been given them, the stresses, the worries, the love, the fun, all of it. It mostly gave me hope as a little girl, who grew up to believe that true love and Happily Ever Afters are really out there.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Warning Label for Prayer

Sometimes, there should be a warning label on Prayer. Something like this........WARNING, GOD MIGHT JUST ANSWER YOU!!! Or WARNING, IF YOU ASK GOD TO HANDLE THINGS HIS WAY, HE WILL.

You see, Mr. C and I have been in a prayer mode for a couple of months now. We honestly didn't know how we wanted God to answer, but we knew and prayed that He would take care of it. That in His divine knowledge of what is best for our family, that we would be happy either way. Now that we have the answer, I feel like praying to God "ARE YOU SURE????? I mean REALLY, REALLY SURE???????" It's not that I am unhappy with the answer, don't get me wrong, it is just that apparently God thinks that we can handle the situation much better than I think I give us credit for. I guess this is why HE is God and I am not.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Laundry Fairy

We have a Fairy living in our house. We probably have more than one, but this one has a name.....and the kids are fairly convinced she might be real. You see the "Laundry Fairy" apparently lives in our house. Just the other night Missy was putting away her dirty cloths, and I kid you not said "Mom, the Laundry Fairy needs to come and do HER chores, because my basket is getting too full." If I wasn't laughing so hard, I might have been shocked and mad. But alas, this is the reality in which my kids live. Now the Fairy HAS had some job description changes lately. She USED to clean, fold, and put away the laundry every week. NOW she just cleans and folds, all children older than 4 need to put away their own clothes. The kids don't mind, since they think it is fun. Mr. C. is the only one who gets full Fairy privileges. Do you have a fairy that lives in your house?

Can you name them

Yesterday we inaugurated our 44th President. It got me thinking about the Presidents in my life.....I've lived through 8!! Seems kind of like a large number. Anyway, here are mine.....What are yours??? Can you name them???? Harder question.....Could you have named them without my list????
  1. Nixon
  2. Ford
  3. Carter
  4. Reagan
  5. Bush
  6. Clinton
  7. George W. Bush
  8. Obama

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure

If you look at my sidebar, there is the "What I'm reading". Currently you will see Exodus, and Leviticus. I know that these seem random and obscure, but be patient. You see, today's treasure is my enrollment in Bible Study Fellowship. My involvement in this organization started many years ago, with my dear friend Kathryn. She begged me to join, and I thought she was crazy. But alas, because I had grown out of ways to say no (before kids, obviously) I started. The first year was tough. The next year was better, by the third year, I at least could handle the challenge questions.

You see, the studies vary from year to year, this year is the life of Moses. It is harder than you think, and you grow in ways you don't expect. You don't simply get spoon fed the stories, you have to really look at, absorb, and study God's word. This year has been wonderful. I see God as the same God that He was back then. However, I am also saddened because I think we want to change God to fit OUR times and current circumstances. We want to change HIM, creator of the universe, to be accepting of the things we don't want to change in ourselves, our society, and our universe. That is the cool part of this weeks lesson, I relearned that God hasn't changed, nor is He going to. He is Holy, just, and faithful, just as He was back in the day of Moses. He set up rules, procedures, guidelines, and punishments for the Israelites to follow and comply with not for HIS controlling nature, but for their protection. The same applies to me. Some of the reasons for His patterns on things were simple: I'm God, I'm Holy, and basically I said so. Mom's have been stealing God's lines now for generations - go figure. Yet, just as we needed to obey when we were little and our Mom "Because I said so" we also need to be obedient to God, if we call Him our Heavenly Father because HE SAID SO.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

My Mom ROCKS!!!

Today is my Mom's birthday. As I was reflecting and getting ready for the celebrating to begin, I thought of just a few of the reasons my mom ROCKS!!! The list is not complete mind you, but this is what I was thinking of today.....Happy Birthday Mom, I love you.

  1. 1. She is the most amazing Nana.
  2. 2. If you ask her "What kind of flower is that?" She knows the answer! You can guess what her garden looks like

  3. She is a fabulous cook

  4. You see the fruits of the spirit in her life

  5. She is a Godly Mom and wife ~ truly an example

  6. A Biker Mama ~ even if currently she rides on an "Old Man" Bike, but that is my Dad's fault!

  7. She is up for an adventure, and loves that she doesn't always know where it is going to take her or end up

  8. She can get dirty, or be a girly girl.......just depends on the mood.

  9. She drinks and enjoys BEER!!!! Guess where I got that attribute!

  10. She has the ability to laugh with us, at us, and even despite herself. Her smile is always and easily there.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

No Drama

A while back, probably close to a year ago, Mr. C. and I developed "No Drama Wednesdays". It started as a day for us to be relaxed. A day when we could not fight because it was a no drama day. If there was something that was SUPER worth it, I guess the rule could have been broken, but thankfully it hasn't been. It also was a nice reminder should either one of us start to go down the drama path, all the other had to say was "It's Wednesday", end of discussion. Now I can't say that this is a healer for all marriages, in all problems, but for where we were at, it worked for us, and still does more as a joke.

Then the rule started to be contagious........Not only could we not bring up our own drama, but we couldn't adopt other people's drama either. So if a friend called and was sort of grumpy, well I am not going to take that monkey on my back because I can't, it's Wednesday. Not that I wasn't there for people mind you, it just was that their own drama had to stay on their drama island, and I had to stay on mine.

What then made Wednesdays better was ~ Happy Hour!!! Oh, that is right, my sister in law whom I carpool with got wind of No Drama day, and we made it into Happy Hour day as well. Now, I can't think of a better midweek day to put a little fun into it and just with a friend, and most important laugh! The kids love it too because they get to play and put off homework for a bit longer. How can you be grumpy with a Margarita or Mojito to soften the day? Others have joined us on our Wednesday Happiness, and you know what their comment is......"Does this happen EVERY Wednesday, because I might just need a reason to come on over." I encourage you to have a happy day or even adopt is good for your marriage, friendships, and most importantly your sanity!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Tuesday's Treasure

It is my goal, to post something I treasure on Tuesdays. Here is one of the most important treasures in my life. I want to remember to be thankful for a healthy, happy, and loving family who is also quite simply a lot of fun.

My Knight in Shining Armor

Today, my hubby was my Knight in Shining Armor. You see, it started with a slightly rough morning. I had just dropped the big kids off at school and had a few minutes to run into Target for a birthday gift, but time was slightly tight before taking Missy to school. So like me, I was on the phone with Mrs. Dunbar, and as I was getting out of the car, giggling.....I shut the locked door!!! As you might predict, my keys were in the car, now locked safely inside. So I reluctantly got off the phone with Mrs. Dunbar, and called hubby. He was so amazing and patient with his cooky wife who blundered again. But alas, he came riding in his blue stead of a car, and rescued Missy and I waiting for him outside of the store. Then he took us all to preschool drop off. He was loving and patient, but most of all was able to laugh with me through my morning. The worst part........My coffee was with the keys - oy!!!

Friday, January 09, 2009

Why This Blog.....

Top Ten ~ Letterman Style, Sort Of....

1. Something fun to do
2. Let's me have a writing creative outlet
3. Creates an outlet for the craziness in my head
4. Random thoughts now have a home
5. Friends mercilessly encouraged me to do this
6. I can now post my "non-blogs" e-mails on a blog
7. A reminder for the things I am thankful for and my treasures
8. Journal the funny antics of raising two kids
9. Somewhere for friends and family to go, to see glimpses of what really happens in our house
10. A New Year's Goal.....Achieved!

I am not a blogger by nature, just ask my friends. I am however a quality time person. I believe in being intentional (although I can stink at it). I believe in having personal relationships where we communicate in person and not just over the Internet. However, this is a blog about my journey.......with my family, friends, and my God. I do not know where this will take me, but it is a start on the journey. To the friends that have encouraged this......thank you, now follow me and support me, and of course don't forget to comment! Hugs to you!!!